Sunday, January 13, 2008

I just realized

that my blog, which I've never told anyone about and never gets comments, has three comments left on the entry dated Monday Feb. 21, 2005. One is from a park ranger who found my blog "inquisitive" and invites me to check out her blog, which is about her day to day life as a park ranger. I'm assuming it's "her" because the comment is signed "mandyalexander581." The second is from someone who is, I'm assuming, a prostitute, who invites me to check out his/her blog and whose sign-in name is disturbingly "arnoldlando1471." The third invites me to get my college degree in "less then two weeks." I guess this particular college degree doesn't make a big deal about the difference between "then" and "than."

I haven't clicked on any of those links but it's pretty clear that they're all spam, even the prostitute, and if I did click I'd just be disappointed. It does seem weird to me, though, that the spam came in on three different dates, and none of them the date that I actually posted that entry. And that none of my other entries have any spam. Why that particular entry? Did I inadvertently type something that some spam program picked up on, not just once but three different times?

Well, there may be more philosophical matters for one smarter than I to pursue here, about what it means to be human in the first decade of the third millennium and so on, but meh. I've got a vodka martini waiting for me in the living room. So, you know, bye for now.

nb: Maybe a good future entry would be to post my recipe for my pepper martini. I could give it a cool name like "The Shadow" or "The Lamont," and I would also explain why I'm giving it that name. But I won't do that now.


1 comment:

J Pellitteri said...

What would you do with an extra thousand dollars a month? I'm a woman from England and I need your help carrying my millions of dollars around...I'll give it to you if you give me your address! Really! Don't you love Jesus?